Hi guys, the actual name for this one is Sarcophyton, and the best way to frag this is to make a box out of egg crate, and place rubble in the bottom. after that you fashion a lid from the same material that you made the box with, in your case I would completely lop off the open top part of the coral, (don't worry, if your conditions are right, it will grow back in a month or so

), then taking the top part od the coral, you can lay it out on a cutting board and slice it into sections using a razor blade. Take these pieces and spread them out evenly in your frag box that you've made, and close the lid. In about a week or so, they'll start to attache, and within a month, they will be growing attached to the rubble that you put into the container. Now they are perfect frags to bring to your local store or to sell to other reefkeepers!! Happy fragging