Originally Posted by raisemyrent
Hi Dez,
I've been following your thread; you've done a great job. What I think would be causing it is the salt that was put away for years. My guess would be that some of the minerals chelated or something crazy and are now in the water, killing fish. Think heavy metals.
I'd do a massive/emergency water change, followed by another (dilution is an itch), and one more for good measure. Then try a damsel...
I am fighting cyano (still ayoung nano), so I hear some of your frustration.
all the best
Here's the thing though....the 5 year old salt was new and still sealed. Do you think the salt has a shelf life? Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out. The fish store maybe thinks it might the be 5 year old rock that was 'cooking' leaching something out. We'll see in a few days I'm sure. Thanks for the comments. PS, do you like the aragocrete that I made as my closed loop intake (remember I came to your place and picked up that cement?)