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Old 07-26-2009, 11:03 PM
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Zoaelite Zoaelite is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Calgary
Posts: 2,461
Zoaelite is on a distinguished road

I don't know what it is with Calgary drivers, you would think that we are all here to kill each other violently in Car accidents by the looks of it . I think everyone should be forced to take drivers ed, that and maybe anger management course before they ever step into something that has the mass and momentum to kill someone. There have been way to many times that I have just had to shake my head because of idiotic driving behavior, everything from people not understanding basic rules of the road to cell phones use to road rage.

I have had someone in a duel turn lane (they were the inside lane I was the outside) decide that they wanted to go strait instead of following the rules. Well you can understand my confusion when I'm turning and this lady almost smashes into the side of me. The intersection bust into confusion as everyone stopped, she cut in front of me and gave ME THE FINGER and then floored it in here mini van. Not eight seconds later I have a BMW with out signaling or even looking cut about 3 inches in front of my car. Now I know we all have our bad driving days (I'm a 19 year old male, I probably have a few more than the rest of you) but if people just paid a little attention and used some common sense while operating their vehicles we would never have to worry about stuff like this. That whole F150 story scares the crap out of people, one wrong move and you could of died a very painful death. Probably a good reason my mom has stopped me from getting a Bike.
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