Originally Posted by Myka
That's too bad you didn't get a plate number. Remember to do that next time!!
I mean, as a truck driver we expect a bunch of people to cut in front of us at the last second, but sometimes you get that real idiot who really cuts it close and makes you leave 30 feet of black marks on the asphalt in an effort to keep your rig from driving their hatchback into the back of their head. Oh, then everyone looks at the truck driver like he is the idiot. I just have to laugh because it's so stressful when that happens.
On the flip side of that I have been stopped at a red light with a semi behind me and he was creeping, as most truckers seem to do to maintain some momentum, he jumped the light and pushed my car 20 feet or so. Thank god no one was infront of me or he didn't push me into a busy intersection. God knows how some people keep their licenses.