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Old 07-26-2009, 05:15 PM
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Default Jawfish and Gobies

I love both Jawfish and Gobies, but many of them don't get along very well. I'm planning on adding 4 Pearly Jawfish to my tank in the next couple months. These are for sure residents. My sandbed was planned just for them. I am also planning on adding a single or possibly a pair of Mandarin Dragonettes once the tank matures, so I worry about food competition as well.

Now, I'm wondering what types of gobies have people kept with Pearly Jawfish successfully? Which Gobies have proven to not be food competitors for Mandarins?

I know there are mixed reviews on some of them too. I am hoping to also add a Sharknose Goby and a Rainford's Goby since they both have jobs they do very well, but I am thinking these guys aren't going to fit well with the Jawfish and Mandarins, particularly the Rainford's - I'm leaning more towards not stocking it. I think the Sharknose should be ok.

Any experiences or thoughts?
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 07-26-2009 at 05:53 PM.
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