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Old 07-25-2009, 01:49 AM
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mike31154 mike31154 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
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I've been biking for many years and I really try to keep my cool no matter how annoyed I get sometimes at the behaviour of other drivers. I know I make mistakes and annoy other drivers sometimes as well with the odd screw up, so I try to keep that in mind, especially when I'm on the bike. The reason being, just the kind of thing that happened to you and on a bike you don't have a chance. Right or wrong, your'e going to be the one ending up seriously injured or worse, mort, not the guy/gal in the cage. They often don't realize they're essentially in control of a deadly weapon when it comes to bicycles, motorcycles and pedestrians.

Just last week I had a motorhome squeeze me out of the left lane into oncoming traffic. Fortunately the road was wide and traffic light enough that I was able to avoid a mishap. At the next light I did decide to pull up next to the guy, not to smash any windows, but simply to ask whether he saw me or not and to be more careful. When I got a look at the driver I realize he must have been 80 if not 90 and his younger copilot apologized before I had a chance to speak. This old gentleman really shouldn't have been behind the wheel. The vehicle was from the states so they were obviously unfamiliar with Vernon and it looked like they were a little lost.

I like to think over the years I've developed a sixth sense when I'm on the bike and seem to anticipate that someone is going to do something goofy, like cut me off or whatever, but you just never know as was the case last week. Obviously the guy in your situation was over the top and didn't care about the consequences of what he was doing. Dudes like that end up getting their just desserts at some point in their life, hopefully before they end up killing someone else. Getting behind the wheel transforms some people, Jekyll and Hyde, I'm like that when I get on the soccer pitch. Pretty mellow any other time, but my competitive nature often gets the best of me when chasing a stupid ball around, he he.
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