Okay, so after 4 trips to Rona, a failed trip to Home Depot (how can a hardware store not have 1" PVC pipe ??? ) and 3 trips to Western Pump, I finally collected all the parts I needed. The plumbing wasn't difficult, but there were many challenges that needed to be thought out, drawn out, solved and executed.
Here's my loot! Gate valve from Red Coral, bulkheads from Elite Aquatics. I like to spread the wealth :-)
So first up are the stand pipes for the 4 drains (two primaries, 1 to fuge and 1 emergency). Simple enough.
Next I tackle the main drain. I have two 1" drains that I wanted to merge into one 2" pipe so that I can use one gate valve on it. I believe a 1 1/2" pipe will flow more than two 1" pipes. Here's what I came up with.
North and South views

I was happy with it so I attached the gate valve and the elbow into the sump.
