I did have a crab in the tank, it wasn't very big and it's always been feeding on algaes, so I didn't want to take it out and kill's got plain color, algae growing on the back of it....didn't really seem harmful to me at all, plus that was way before I got the clowns, and all my other fish does fine along with it anyway, so I don't think that's the cause, unless the crab only picks on percs for some reason. Besides, it's been at least a month since I last saw the crab, not that I tried to find it, but everynight when I look at the tank before I go to bed, I don't see it in plain sight anymore.
I got the fish from the same LFS, and I did compare the water between the two, was almost a match, PH and Salinity wise. I keep my gravity at 1.023~1.024, almost at highest it can be. I took some time to accilmate the fish, not very long though, I'd say max 15 min as I thought they were much stronger than my other fish, and even for the scarlet shrimp, I only spent 15 min acclimate, which involved 3 times of water drop with a siphon and the bag floats on the tank water at all times.
BTW, I forgot to mension that the last pair I got, the big one, which died first, looked like its skin was peeling, like white stuff, I didn't think it was ick, but shortly after it died, the small one, which was fine before, started getting the white stuff before it died. NOTE! the first pair I got did not have this "ick-like" problem, and still died, so I don't think that is the case, and my other fish are not affected which leads me to believe more that it's not ick. Unless it's because I feed them mysis shrimp O.o? I was told that percs don't usually eat mysis, rather they like brine....but it's not too possible that diet is the cause of their death right?