Clown Fish help!
Hi y'all! they say, clown fish is the most hardy fish and is great for starters....HOWEVER!!! so far, of all the things in my tank, clown fish is the only one that's been having problems I need suggestions...
I have a 29G Biocube, with almost 30lbs of LR, just a fine layer of live sand, not very deep.
Coral Stockings are: 1 xenia frag, 1 zoa frag, 1 green star polyps frag, 1 candy cane frag, 1 flowerpot coral , 1 green hammer coral, 1 bubble coral. ( the xenia has grown so big so fast...not a frag fact, i can even make frags of it and trade it in to my LFS...)
CUC Stockings are: 2 blue legged hermit, 1 scarlet hermit, 2 turbo snails, 1 med and 1 small sea urchin, 2 bumble bee snail ( probably dead, 1 shell seems emty, and it never moves, the other one MIA)
Fish Stock: 3 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp, 1 sixline wrasse, 1 firefish goby, and one some sort of diamond goby of which I cannot yet identify( similar to orange spotted except it's not, on the back fin its got tiny blue spots evened out across, very pretty, and blue and pink lines on across the face(head) I have not yet matched it's type to any picture on the web)
Finally, comes down to false percs....I have introduced 2 pairs of percs at different times, and none of which seems to be able to survive more than 2 weeks....water test shows fine, water change weekly or bi-weekly...3.5 gallon each time. feed twice a day with mysis in the morning and pellets at night....however the bigger perc will always die and the smaller one will follow him/her in the next week....WHY?!
I mean...there is some weak stuff in the tank and living just fine... i believe scarlet shrimp is more senstive than any of the fish in there, and they've starting to lay eggs..."diamond goby" has already shifted one corner of the tank's sand to else where leaving glass bottomed at that specific corner...
As for corals, bubble coral growing slowly, hammer and flower pot not growing but is looking just great...and I think that flowerpot is quite a fragile can someone generate some ideas and tell me what's wrong with the percs? Cuz I don't think I will try to get anymore of them ....they seemed to be a very good addition until they die....
P.S. I do plan to add 1 more peppermint shrimp to take care of the aiptasia growing in the tank...maybe subsitute one of the male scarlet.