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Old 07-21-2009, 11:26 PM
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des_merc des_merc is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Red Deer, Alberta
Posts: 27
des_merc is on a distinguished road
Unhappy disappearing mushrooms

Went camping, came back after 2 night to find no trace of any of our mushrooms left in our tank. Star polyps fine, kenya tree fine, all animals fine.

Any thoughts?

We have a coral banded, hermit crabs, snails. Not sure if any of these would eat them? I do not think any fish would eat them? You can see a fish list in the signature if they do
30 g - fire fish , golden dwarf angelfish + pistol shrimp

120 g+30sump - maroon clown, bi-colour blenny, falco hawkfish, dragon goby, sunrise d-back, yellow wrasse, 2 pyjamas, 6 line, mandarine, flame angelfish
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