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Old 07-21-2009, 09:52 PM
calgaryreefer calgaryreefer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: calgary
Posts: 45
calgaryreefer is on a distinguished road
Default FS: 36" Jebo PC light

Hi everyone,

I got a couple of Jebo 36" PC light fixtures I am trying to sell.
It takes 2 65 watt PC lights, for a combine total of 130w output.
Comes with used bulbs as well.

PCs are good for softies, fish and some LPS.

Asking for $65 each.

Please PM me if you have any interest.

Hardest thing about keeping a reef tank is you gotta learn to give up certain things every so often, you just can't keep them all, unless your tank was the ocean!!!

125 gallon fish and reef tank. 2 x 250watt MH 14000k with 2x54w actinic blues, 50 gallon sump.
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