I've been in this hobby a short time, (7+ years give or take) and I don't profess to know it all by any meens but to say LFS's all lie is a crapy statement to make. I live in the Fraser Valley and as already stated we have quite a few stores to choose from. I have purchased stock from all of them. I do tend to support one more than others ( because I have a good relationship) with not only the owners but the other customers that frequent the store. I do not feel that I have been lied to by any of thease stores. As a matter of fact when I was really new I had times when I was told certain things would not be sold to me because I (my tank) was not ready. It was hard to take at first but now I am thankfull for the advise. Nothing would have gotten me out of the hobby faster that putting out money for dead stock. With the way the economy is now it is a hard for them to stay afloat I think it will be a sad day in our hobby if/when we loose them. All you have to do is look on Canreef to see all of the tear downs going on.
Support your LFS. and Online vendors. I for one do not want to do all the CITIES doc's it would take to bring my own Acro's in.
And all those who know me know I read my Ass off before I purchase anything, do your home work and educate yourselves.
My 2cents