Thread: LFS that lie.
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Old 07-20-2009, 08:18 AM
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brickwood brickwood is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 61
brickwood is on a distinguished road

I have been told many times by my LFS that certain things should not be put in my tank. I have also been told many times that they would have to go ask someone else because they weren't sure about something. I also believe that sometimes we don't hear what they are telling us and only hearing what we want and then tell everyone we have been lied to. I personally do not believe that these LFS's are intentionaly trying to pull one over on us. Here in the Lower Mainland we have many fish stores to go to. The ones I go to all have knowledgable staff and I have never been lied to. It just realy ticks me off when we throw all these stores under this category that they are out to rip us off. I also work in retail and deal with people all day long and it just drives me up the wall when someone accuses me of ripping them off. Yes, the stores are trying to make a buck. Yes, the stores are going to try what they can to get a sale, but intentionaly telling someone a lie to make a sale in such a tight knit hobby just doesn't make sense. Most people who go to these stores generaly know what they are talking about or have already researched their purchase. Maybe I'm just ranting for nothing. I support my LFS fully. If we keep bashing these stores and driving new people and old away, they will not exist. Then where are you going to go? Instead of hating, try supporting. Times are tough. Lets keep them alive so I can continue to hang out at these places. Keep up the good work guys!
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