Thread: Sand cleaning
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Old 07-17-2009, 12:38 PM
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Assuming the substrate is one you like and it is not covered in algae there is no need to replace it. I have removed/replaced sandbeds many times with no ill effects. I would recommend that you give it a good rinse to remove the build up of sediment/detrtitus. IDEALLY use RO water to do this, however regular tap water will also work just fine. Rinse in a bucket until the "brown" stops coming out of the sand and replace.

Originally Posted by rynoe View Post
After spending the last four months reading what seems like every post on this web site I am finally getting my tank on sunday. I bought a established 72 gal bowfront with some soft corals and a couple of clown fish. I was down at ocean aquatics and they suggested I replace the sand. Others have said to just clean the old stuff and re use. What should I do. If I do clean it do I just use fresh water?
I'm out.
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