Thread: First tank
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Old 07-17-2009, 04:45 AM
edikpok edikpok is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 182
edikpok is on a distinguished road

I have a biocube and the ballasts are OK so far....

You can totally run the system WITHOUT any modification....All I did was to add a bag with carbon to compartment #2 and thatz it...
Of course you could make a refugium in compartment 2 with live rock which would be better than bioballs - but bioballs do work if you do the proper water changes and monitor the amounts of food that you give to your fish.

AND - biocubes look very slick and nice! ex.

Also - check craigslist if you have it in Edmonton. Sometimes you can find cheap biocubes ()$300) there
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