tank dismantle and glass cutting
ive recently purchased a 96 gal tank.i got it for a good used price and my plan is to cut it down to fit my stand and re sillicone it.first question is that i have cut glass before but this is 3/8 and much thicker than i have experience with.do i just cut it the same way as thinner stuf f or is there any tips or tricks.i plan on cutting the length down about 4-6 inches and the width front to back about 2-4 inches it is 20 inches tall and has no bracing at all.should i add this?and as far as prepping for new sillicone what is the best method.i planned on scraping as much sillicone off as possible and using a solvent to finish it off.then clean all the glass with vinegar and dish soap followed by a thorough rinse.any thoughts or tips?ohh and can i get a proper sillicone from home depot?thanks for any help guys.