10 gallon fishy tank
10 gallon tank comes with:
-2 clowns
-golden coral shrimp
-5 lbs/ live rock
-koralia nano
-50/50 pc lamp
-last but not least the all important Mag Float.
This can all be yours for the low price of $75.
-200 Gal Bowfront Tank
- Lps, Sps, Zoos, Ricordia
- Emperor angel, Yellow tang, Regal tang, Kole tang,Foxface, Lawnmower, Yellow Watchman, Twin spot, Mandarin, 2 Cinnamin clowns, 2 Percula clowns.
-25+ Hermits, Cleaner shrimp, Coral banded shrimp, Peppermint shrimp.