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Old 07-27-2003, 04:43 PM
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Canadian Man Canadian Man is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 2,550
Canadian Man is on a distinguished road

Errie Picture

From left to right we got Alan (aj77), Kim (tau2301-4567898374....), and Tony (Delphinus). Oh and just looking at the pic with the people in it again you can see the reflection of my nephew (Tanner) in the left hand side of the tank He helped pull the 2x4's out from the tank when we lifted it up.

The guys are on the viewing pannel side and the picture was taken from the inside of the Tank Room. The overflow is on the back (when viewed from the front) . To cover the overflow I first made a model of the overflow out of plywood and 2x4's. then I made an agrocrete cover and once that was all cured and ready to go I put some foam under the oveflow cover and siliconed it to the overflow. So from the front side of the tank it looks like a rock wall and I also made a few ledges to attach some corals. Hopefully my monti caps will end up there.

The tank is actually full now with sand and saltwater. I just have to put the lino floor in, a door , finish the trim and get a sump. Then the big switch get's made.

No matter what the morrow brings, inventors keep inventing things.
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