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Old 07-15-2009, 02:22 PM
BoYd'O BoYd'O is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Rosetown
Posts: 20
BoYd'O is on a distinguished road

I continued to add aditinal LR as well as base rock to beging my first ever aquascape to my 75 galon corner bow.

I allowed the tank to idle for close to three months, then i slowly started my decent into this beutifle adiction. I started to stock the tank I added 2x chalk basselets, 1 royal grandma and ...... a male blue deval damsel. All such radiant fish to watch but adding more stock to the tank resulted in a problem with the damsle. I never wanted nore thought a fish was so teritorial, but lesson learnt. Me and my brother inlaw spent the night catching him, so that he could be relocated.

The fish i was adding to the tank was a Tiger sand sifting goby as well as a lawnmoer blenni,

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