Thread: Phosphate
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Old 07-15-2009, 07:28 AM
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You're off to a good start but you'll need to do more if you want lower readings. I'm still battling excess phosphate and the resulting problem algae with my levels at 0.01 (according to an elos test kit). ATM I do 40gal weekly water changes, my system is 270gal and I run a Becket skimmer rated for 400gal, I change 250ml of rowaphos every 4 weeks, I strain all of my frozen food of its packing juice before adding it to the tank, I grow and harvest macro algae, use RO/DI water and top off with kalk saturated water.

You might find some more ideas here:
Phosphate and the Reef Aquarium

Now maybe you could help me. You say your cleanup crew took care of your hair algae, what do you have as a cleaners?
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