There are some reef safe angelfish that are SPS friendly. I have one in my tank right now. Its going to Russ though unless you can convince him otherwise...there's a male version of my fish at Marine Aquaria right now too if you were wanting a possible pair......
Theres also a really nice pair of Sargassum Triggers there right now. Nice fish.
Originally Posted by Dez
We aren't quite sure what for fish yet, Here is what the kids/wife came up with though
Yellow Tang
Kole Tang
Mandarin Goby (probably a couple of years down the road when it's established)
If we can find an angel of some sort that won't touch sps (I know, good luck on that)
A pair of clowns (probably just oscellaris)
A trigger (maybe Niger or Bluethroat)
Regal Tang
That's about it so far. We are going to try to find most of our stuff "used" from people who are shutting down systems etc....the livestock seem to be much healthier that way. But our impatience might impede us on this idea.