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Old 07-12-2009, 11:34 PM
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WDLV WDLV is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Rosedale, MD USA
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WDLV is on a distinguished road

I'm planning two different possibilities depending on how I position the tanks. If it's a flush mount, I plan to use a piece of 1/2" acrylic and re-surface the show side with rubbel rock and portland cement.
If I decide to position the tanks at 45 degrees from the wall, I will use a half piece of 12" PVC pipe for the overflow/false back and surface that the same way I would have done the acrylic.
The epoxy might work better than the portland cement for my application. I would become encrusted with corraline faster too.

Can't wait to see the new pics!
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