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Old 07-26-2003, 12:52 AM
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Trevor Robertson Trevor Robertson is offline
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Default Tank is full again <sigh>

Well for those of you following my little drama, I have cleaned the floor the right way and I have spent the last two days refilling my tank. All went rather well.

I have had a great surprize, my 6 line wrasse (that I could not find though-out this event) was swiming around in the tank when I put the rock back in. He must have been hiding really well. he looks great so I am very happy as he was one of my favorite fish.

Well here is a picture of what the tank looks like now

I had a chance to change the arangment of the rock and I really like it this way, so I guess I am glad in some sad and sadistck way: evil : that this happened as it gave me a chance to set up the tank the way that I really wanted to!

Well I will be tesing the water tonight but I am really not expecting the tank to cycle as the rock is fullly cured and I have using about 25-35% old tank water.

well next is a school of Green chromis.

Till the next episode of Trevor's terrable tank stories...
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