Thread: lost all fish!!
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Old 07-12-2009, 03:51 PM
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Originally Posted by cuz View Post
I was not shooting on solving ich by draining my water, It will still run fishless for another 6 weeks, i Seen this as an oportunity to change a few things with my setup and in order to do it the tank needed to be drained to move it. I've kept 55 gallons of old water with my corals but was just curious if i should return that to the setup or go with 100% new water?

p.s. The old setup had about a half inch of sand only at the front, nothing under the rocks and i'm thinking now i'd like to go with a cleaner no sand set-up, how much does everyone think this will throw things out of whack for the first while?
In that case go ahead and use new water, as long as the salinity/temp is the same and the new water is well aerated I don't see a problem

300g tank
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