Thread: lost all fish!!
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Old 07-12-2009, 02:35 AM
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cuz cuz is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Posts: 601
cuz is on a distinguished road

so after all the caos, I've broke down the display tank and crammed all my rock and corals into an extra 55 i had empty. I wanted to change a few things with the tank and now was about the best time i will get with no fish in there. I'm basically not taking any chanced and will be replacing 100% of the water. Everything will get dipped prior to transfer back to the 92. I've heard of people doing 100% water changes before and it not affecting their coral, so basically i'm seeing if anyone can say yes i have done this or no re-cycle and start everything over? I don't have anything to hard core for corals a bunch of zoa's, paly's, hammer, ric's, doughnuts and 1 green plate.
Let me know what everyone thinks please!!
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