Originally Posted by lastlight
Haha true dat.
My wife handles all the money. It's a wonder I'm even alive anymore!
Fan in the basement. Hmmm. You know there's just a LITTLE room left in my cold air return hole...Wonder if like a reverse spraybar along the back of my tank (which is open top) sucking humid air would be worth it. It's have to blend pretty darn well tho.
It's interesting the crazy ideas you get from canreef isn't it? I'm looking forward to the final product.
Leah, My wife wasn't "concerned" about the $4, just thought I could get the same results with seran wrap and rubber bands. If she was concerned about the $4, she wouldn't let my have my toy cars.
I have a good excuse with the fish tanks because my wife was the one originally who got us into the hobby.