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Old 07-10-2009, 12:44 PM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Clean work with that scrap. A few questions for ya:

1) what's with the flexible white ducting near your return pump
2) where on earth did you get that strip of plugs? Looks like the power poles you sometimes see in office spaces.
3) are you worried about moisture with the plugs on the floor and facing up?

Must feel nice to post updates so darn often. Onward! Oh and those sink plugs were totally the dezTouch©
Hey Brett,
1) That flexible white ducting goes from my basement. It will be run all the way to my canopy to pull/push air through the canopy. The idea behind this is to keep the fan noise in the basement. I copied this idea from mark. It works great for him.
2) That strip of plugs is from Princess auto. Bought it for $3. It's great. I'm going to use my wife's label maker to label everything when all said and done.
3) I was toying with the plug facing up thing for a while. It is sitting 3 1/2" up. There is 3/4" plywood/foam right above it. It I have a leak, it's going to trip the GFCI anyway. If I have spills, it's going to be down the face of the tank and no where near the plugs. I am actually not going to be under the tank all that much, but in the basement sump room where all the equipment is going to be. Thinking about all of my old tanks, I had several power bars hooked up together sitting behind the tank facing up without being plugged into a GFCI outlet.... Never got wet ever. So after going through all of these options in my head, I settled on that location. I tried it upside down on the underside of the stand, didn't work well, in the front upside down, it impeded access to my flow valve. I thought this way everything is labelled in case my wife kids have to unplug something in an emergency where I'm not home, it'll be right there and labelled.

PS. My wife thought my sink stoppers were dumb. I told here they were $1 each, and she said that's a waste of $4. You should have just used seran wrap and a rubberband. I'm glad that you like the stoppers. I was pretty proud of myself when I thought it up.

Thanks for the comments.
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