Really Nice 320 gallon tank and stand and canopy
I'll post up some details check the 'facts' and post pics later in the sale section.
just getting this out there I have about a 320g. tank for sale
- 10 ft. wide Starfire X 26 X 24 wide (have to double check height and width)
-two rear corner overflows
-euro braced (all details to follow)
the stand is pro build metal powder coated.
the cabinet and canopy are super nice modern look clean in a lacquered black
The tank alone was $3000.00+, canopy was $2000, stand and powder coating $1500.00
SUPER DEAL @ $3000.00
lots of other stuff for sale...
400lbs live rock - full of life- lots of show pieces- lots of mushrooms
PM me if seriously interested in the tank. I'll post of more stuff and details soon.
Last edited by monza; 07-08-2009 at 07:14 PM.
Reason: reason for sale moving... new fish room!!