Thread: Durso Question
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Old 07-07-2009, 06:29 AM
Eb0la11 Eb0la11 is offline
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Location: Calgary, SE
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Hmm, that sound alarm type of system is a great idea Bandit. I might do that as well. My 2 inch drains can easily handle all the drainage of the system so I can do 100% through the lower drain, I think.

Do you have a screen on the lower drain pipe? Also, is the emergency one still a durso style or is it straight up and down?

Also, if the lower drain takes 100% how do you "manage" the water level in the overflow box? I figured if you let 5% go down the higher drain then you could have the water line in the overflow controlled by the height of that second drain.

Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat View Post
A Herbie uses 2 pipes, One low down in the overflow, and one just above the "running" water level. ALL the flow goes through the lower pipe by way of throttling the Gate Valve. If the main drain gets clogged and can not somehow handle the flow, the level will rise to above the 2nd pipes level, thus letting the 2nd pipe drain. This will now cause a large gurgle, because it's a open pipe, which should alert you to "somethings not right with my tank"

I run this style of Herbie on my 150g Coast to Coast overflow and love it. Won't do a Durso again. Some do set theirs up so that the 2nd pipe takes a little trickle of flow. I see nothing wrong with this, other than maybe taking away from total possible 'emergency" flow.

I also have my 2nd drain, the emergency one, to drain with alot of height above my sump. SO even a trickle down my emerg. drain, makes a splashing noise in the sump, which alerts me before the level gets to gurgle height.
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