Thread: Complete loss
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Old 07-06-2009, 05:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Sushiman View Post
thanks everyone. Trying to look on the positive side of things lol. The rock & sand are absolutly gross so that was the end of that. I just lost my $3000 Solaris unit before this crash too !@#@$%!
Well there's no way I can afford new live rock for a 100gal plus everything else so she's being converted to freshwater in the next few days. Got it cleaned out with a 10% bleach solution & the rock & sand are in garbage cans for a trip to the dump. At least the house doesn't small like corpse anymore.
Why not pressure wash and dry the rock out and sell it as base rock? Or even sell it in its current state and let someone else figure it out. Regardless of how it looks/smells at the moment it still has value if someone is willing to put some work into it.
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