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Old 07-04-2009, 05:02 AM
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Dez Dez is offline
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Okay, more pictures and progress (Pictures are for you Mike). I got the missing parts from my Wavy Sea from J&L today. So I installed it right away. Here's a picture -

And one of the controller

Mike said that when the power goes off, it resets to spin at 360 degrees. They have fixed the bug. I pulled the plug on the unit to simulate a power outage, and when power comes back on, it just stops where it left off. If you have it set to sweep in between 2 different points, it will never spin beyond that in a power failure and when power comes back on. I'm quite impressed with the unit - it is dead silent. I also tested it at 360 degrees just in case and I don't have water shooting out of the tank because the nozzle is low enough in the water. In a power failer, my sump level will only rise 2" as I have a 100 gallon sump so I'm safe there.

Full tank shot

Tonight I also found some time to put my fish guard in on my overflow. I also took the time to raise my overflow level. Since I have the IKEA frame, I had no control over the frame size, so I actually see about 1/8 - 1/4" water line at the top depending how much I'm cranking my return pump. I have a pet peeve of seeing a water line, so the solution is to raise my water level (I have 1 1/2" to play with so I raised the overflow by 1/4") I cut a 1/2" strip of glass and siliconed it to the overflow. I also siliconed my eggcrate in while I was at it. Here's a picture.

And one from the other side.

I also hooked up my RO/DI unit yesterday. I've had this unit for almost 5 years sealed in package. I ordered it before I moved thinking I was going to set up my tank right away, but 5 years later I open it .

It's on the floor for now because I'm not sure I'm going to keep it there and I still have to paint the other half of the sump room. It drains into my house sump pump reservoir for now. I think I'll put the unit in my furnace room long term because there is a floor drain there so that the sump pump on the house isn't constantly going. I already have a line going from the furnace room to the fish room anyway (I put it in while developing the basement a few years ago. Thanks for reading.
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