Light rack is in!!
I had it built to 72" tall to accommodate MH reflectors, but after some serious thought (as I am a fan of MH), I'm pretty sure I will be going all T5 on this tank, with three 6x39W T5 Tek fixtures, which means I will end up taking a quickie saw to the legs and knocking it down 6-8" since the T5 units have a much lower profile, this will also give me more room above the rack to raise the lights out of the way for maintenance. ... (If I win the lotto, I'll switch that plan and go with three 8x39W ATI Powermodules...

) It will be installed on the opposite side of the stand..
Again a big thanks to Alberta-Newb for the light rack... It turned out better than I was expecting!
I also got my 20G refuge tank painted a while back, but never got any pics of it... I went with an off white as a neutral color.
It's slowly coming along.