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Old 07-04-2009, 12:22 AM
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findingnemo1 findingnemo1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
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findingnemo1 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Adam NS. View Post
Sounds to me like coincidentally HAS tried! what are the chances of any of those organizations coming to get the animal then finding a good home for it? They will come and put on a show and catch the animal humanely then as soon as they are on a mountain road they will hit the eject button and launch the poor ****er off the side of a mountain( exaggerating of course)
I take it you have never had to de-quill a dog that got into a porcupine? 300+ needles in the face,palate,tongue,throat. Sure its the dogs fault for screwin with mr. pokey but sure as **** the dog is going to come to me for assistance. If you kill it and leave it on the mountain, the circle of life will be complete. if you don't know what that is go watch the Lion King

And Thanks, I think your amazing too!!

"you're just one big softie, aren't you? Hope you take more care with your tank.
In my world, everything is jello covered in teddy bears(= good thing, right?). Catch the poor thing, give it some food and find it a home. "

I take very excellent care of my tank, 30-60g water changes every week, feed every other day, clean the glass, renovated my house to accomodate the tank etc etc etc. There are bitter truths about some things, whether you want to face it or not.

I really hope that everything works out and you find a home for the cuddly little devil, last I heard porcupines make great pets.
Good thing we don't treat people with the same compassion as you do animals

Good luck Coincidentally i really hope you have a happy outcome

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