Thread: lost all fish!!
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Old 07-03-2009, 03:33 AM
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Originally Posted by cuz View Post
o.k. I see..

So i'm left fishless but with all my corals still, how long should i leave things sit? 8-10 weeks? Anything in particular i should do or add during this period? stick to routine water changes, more? less than 15%? There is still a cb shrimp thats lovin life with no fish is he o.k. to remain in there?
Sorry for all the ???? but i definatelly don't want a repeat of any of this..
8 weeks should be long enough to leave it fishless. Take the opportunity to lower the nutrients by not feeding as much (do feed the shrimp once or twice a week though) and keeping up with water changes. It's also a good time to research the fish you would like to have in there and maybe set up a quarantine tank to quarantine all new fish... so you don't have the same troubles again

300g tank
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