Originally Posted by naesco
Sorry for making a mistake with the number of tangs you have. I mistook 2" for 2.
The reason why I suspect lack of oxygen is that all the fish died quickly.
IME a pathogen like ich will take some time to kill all your fish.
Active fish like tangs are the first to go. You can see a tank which lacks sufficient oxygen
by observing the fish. They stay near the top and sometimes break the surface.
Don't know what causes it but the solution is to immediately place a powerhead near the top of the tank.
Leave the tank fallow for 6 weeks and start again adding fish slowly after you have observed them in a QT
Good Luck
This was the first thing I thought of as well and have experienced the rapid fish losses associated with it.
Cuz, you're not dosing any carbon sources are you (vodka, sugar, vinegar, Prodibio, Zeovit, etc)?
And Naesco please keep chastising people about improper tang husbandry - someone has to ensure more and more ignorance isn't perpetuated on this site.