lost all fish!!
need some input from everyone here!! I've got an established 92 corner tank that housed a 2" hippo, a 2"yellow tang, a clown fish, 2 pink anthias, a firefish, a cb shrimp large cleanup crew, and quite a few corals. All fish have been doing excellent for the last 4 months till 2 weeks back. I made a trip up to calgary and came home with a 3" naso tang, he did fine for the first day then broke out in ich and was gone the next afternoon!! Now i've never had signs of ich in this tank yet but 2 nights ago the firefish, clown and hippo showed minor signs of ich. yesterday i lost all three of them and now today i come home from work to find the rest of my fish dead!!! All i have left is the cb shrimp, all corals are looking awesome, all water tests check out ok ( even ran to the lfs to confirm my test to theirs) Anybody have any ideas as what happened so fast? Could ich have moved in and wiped out all my fish in a couple of days!! If so, should i start to un-ich my tank while all fish are gone?
Frustrated as **ck, but need second opinions please!!