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Old 07-01-2009, 03:04 AM
Red Coral Aquariums Red Coral Aquariums is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 775
Red Coral Aquariums is on a distinguished road

Thank You all for your continued interest. I finally was able to take some pictures and take a close look at everything.

It will take some time to type everything as I am one of those 2 finger typists.

I guess to start I will talk about the cycle and how we accomplished it in a demanding 2 month period.
It started by having the Fish, the Live Rock, and the Water already cycled months in advance. Still there will always be a cycle period.
We had 350 lbs of rock and 75% of the fish in our store fish system waiting for the transfer.
Prior to this we set up the Stampede tank with salt water and ran it with krill and sand in it for 1.5 weeks. This started the cycle of the 400+ gallons of water and also broke in all the equipment.
Next came the Live Rock (400lbs), 300 gallons of water out of our fish system, and 7 of the hardiest of fish that was in that water and with the LR. Also we added 20 xl turbo snails and 15 algae crabs. This we maintained for close to 6.5 weeks before any more additions.
We have since added another group of fish, snails, and crabs.

Our List to date is:

7" changing Emperor Angel
7" changing Koran Angel
7" Yellow Tang
6" Powder Brown Tang
5" Regal Tang
8" Queen Adult Angel
4.5" Juv. French Angel
4" Blue Devil Damsel
3" Black Clown
5" Niger Trigger
5" Blue Throat Trigger
2 X 4" Orange Spot Gobies
30+ XL Mex. Turbo Snails
15 Algae Crabs
5 Red Legged Crabs
2 x Pillow Stars ( I found out the hard way they are not reef safe)
For corals that are doing great are some xl hairy mushrooms and GSP.

When I took a really good at the fish I noticed that something had picked on the 4" Blue Devil Damsel as it looked a little rough and the 4.5" Juv. French Angel had a white spot on one of it's fins. When I tested the auto feeder everything took their turn eating. I was very pleased with their health.

This picture is to show you one of the problems we face with sunshine.

Some different side views.

Top and Overhead shots

Our return plumbing.

Just a few fish shots but enjoy.

And my Favorite Pic is the Queen checking out some mudders.

Thanks for looking.
I will finish this update later in the week.
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