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Old 06-30-2009, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by i have crabs View Post
buy silversides,smelt and shrimp, cut it up to a size it can eat, its a predator and needs to eat whole fish, pellets and mysis wont cut it for long, try to feed every second or third day,
as far as reef compatible goes, any small fish and any shrimp are gonners corals will be fine,you probably have about a year in your current tank and i would guess a final size of 18-24" for this fish in captivity which is a big fish trust me, you will probably need a 300g minimum tank within 2 years to keep this fish long term

i agree with fish store not importing these fish along with other very large fish unless ordered by someone with a proper home, im shure people with big enough systems for large fish and sharks wouldnt mind paying a larger price to get what they want, then again it might be better than ending up as chum or dinner on a beach somewhere

There is no additional charge for a special order and don't let anyone tell you different.
The process is that all LFS receive a 'stock available list' from various exporters.
They check off the size and gender of the fish they want to order (including your special order) and the fish you want will be in the next shipment.
Obviously if you are ordering a rare species. or a high demand fish like a Juvenile Red Sea Regal Angel (others don't make it), it is supply and demand that governs.

The oriental sweetlips is a common fish but only imported by LFS that don't know what they are doing or, don't care. LFS all know the requirements of this fish.
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