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Old 06-30-2009, 04:17 AM
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Dez Dez is offline
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Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat View Post
Lookin good Dez.

You think you hate threaded fittings. The prev owner used Silicone on all my fittings, and thusly, over tightened them. Just had another fitting break. a 3/4" 90 just shattered. Wife was home, but not in living room. Pumped my entire sump out onto the carpet.. I am not pleased, and I wont be hore for over 2 weeks yet

Yours looks Much dryer LOL
Ouch....yikes. I couldn't imagine. I'm pretty lucky (or maybe well planned?), my sump is right beside my sump pump reservoir - so theoretically the lowest point in the house. When I had to take my pump apart to load more teflon tape on, I just closed the valves, unhooked the pump and let her drain onto the floor and it just went into my house sump pump reservoir. I know what you mean about silicone.....ugh....I got some used 2" plumbing from a friend for my closed loop that was all glued together already, and when I hooked it up it leaked like a sieve.....argh.... I'm glad it did though because in the end I was happier cause I didn't use any 90s. Hopefully your carpet it dry.

Man, the things our wives put up with hey?
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