Well, yesterday I went off to get plumbing parts to plumb the main tank to the basement. Here's what $250 in plumbing gets you (the used plumbing on the left of the picture I got for free cause the owner was going to throw it out anyway, I used it for the valves.
And here's how we got the pipe home
Here is the plumbing under the tank plumbed up. That 3" dryer vent looking thing is for an inline fan that I'll have in the future for the lights. I'm going to extend it all the way to the canopy and have the fan downstairs drawing air into the canopy.
And the return line plumbed up. My WavySea wavemaker came from J&L missing the union and the height adjuster so they have to ship it out to me Monday, that's why I left he plumbing long so when it comes I'll just cut and attach it.
Heres the wavebox and emergency drain pipe
Here is the plumging in the basement. Keep in mind that plumbing on the right is all 2". Crazy. Yup, that's a 2" gate valve (the only reason I bought a gate is cause they were out of ball valves and I wanted to do the plumbing on the same day and every where else was closed on a weekend.
The drain line that's sagging is temporary (that's my emergency overlow). I'm going to hook up the frag tank's drain line into that pipe, as well as the water change tank's drain.
All in all I'm happy. I had a minor leak (hate threaded fittings). So had to unscrew and put more teflon tape and all was good. The wavebox works!!!! I get about an 1 1/4" wave. The unit is louder than I thought so I'll have to try insulation around the box and cabinetry when I get it. I am quite happy with the flow from the Blackfin 6000, however I would NOT recommend it going in your stand. Boy am I glad it's in the basement, the thing is a beast and it's quite loud. I am very happy with the sump, even with my pump cranked full there are no bubbles getting back into the main tank.
Now to get sand, clean it, drain the tank, get the RO unit hooked up, paint the rest of the sump room, get cabinetry, get my lights hung and hooked up, plumb in the frag tank/drain, plumb in the water change tank, get the RO reservoir hooked up, get the dehumidistat wired, get pond liner to line under my tank with 3 1/2" dams, get my live rock zip-tied, or rodded together.....hmmmmm the list doesn't seem to end.
Thanks for following.