Thread: Project 187G
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Old 06-28-2009, 09:23 PM
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Things have been a bit slow going with this build, but then again Rome wasn't built in a day.. (but probably still quicker than this tank will be, hahaha)

I got my light rack ordered last week and it should be ready for pick up later this week...

Here is a sketch up of how it will look..

I gave myself 5 crossmembers to hang respective lighting from... as my choice in lighting is still sorta up in the air, but I do know what my choices will be... This rack should be able to support the following options:

3x 6x39W T5 Fixtures
2x 250W Lumenmax Elite DE's + 3x 2x39W T5 Fixtures for Supplement
3x 250W Lumenmax 3 DE's + 2x 2x39W T5 Fixtures for Supplemnt.

The unit will be constructed from 3/4" square tubular steel, painted black and sealed to prevent rust/corrosion.

Huge Thanks to Francis (Alberta-Newb) @ Trigger Coating for the light rack! Great Customer Service!

I'll get some real pictures when it arrives this week!
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

62G Starfire Reef. Started Jan 2013

Last edited by JDigital; 07-04-2009 at 02:04 AM.
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