Things have been a bit slow going with this build, but then again Rome wasn't built in a day.. (but probably still quicker than this tank will be, hahaha)
I got my light rack ordered last week and it should be ready for pick up later this week...
Here is a sketch up of how it will look..
I gave myself 5 crossmembers to hang respective lighting from... as my choice in lighting is still sorta up in the air, but I do know what my choices will be... This rack should be able to support the following options:
3x 6x39W T5 Fixtures
2x 250W Lumenmax Elite DE's + 3x 2x39W T5 Fixtures for Supplement
3x 250W Lumenmax 3 DE's + 2x 2x39W T5 Fixtures for Supplemnt.
The unit will be constructed from 3/4" square tubular steel, painted black and sealed to prevent rust/corrosion.
Huge Thanks to Francis (Alberta-Newb) @ Trigger Coating for the light rack! Great Customer Service!
I'll get some real pictures when it arrives this week!