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Old 06-24-2009, 02:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Snaz View Post
With all due respect Jason and I mean that sincerely, I'm not sure I understand this response. I know where your coming from, protect the local environment and all.

But your response is hypocritical. While it is ok for you to put corals in your tank that come from other countries, some of which are endangered and certainly harvested dubiously it is not ok to pick up local creatures that are not endangered.

I understand that if too many people pick through the local tide pools we might create a problem for some species, that is the time to regulate it in my opinion.
Hey Snaz, what I meant to explain was. I believe there are very little restrictions in our local waters for collection. I do know there are several protected areas for rock fish and other over fished species in and around Vancouver, but there are very little demand for local inverts and coral so maybe there is little need.
I have to assume(in order to sleep at night) that the items I find at my LFS have been regulated by local and international bodies like CITES to protect the species so that the aquarium trade can not cause the collapse of a species or environment

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