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Old 06-23-2009, 02:23 PM
hillegom hillegom is offline
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hillegom is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Funky_Fish14 View Post
Your not really supposed to 'collect' (read steal) anything from the wild anywhere... Its kind of like poaching... (but just cause you dont kill it, doesnt mean its ok)...
I am not going into the "wild" to collect cold water species and put them into my tank.

But I don't get it. People hunt, fish, collect flowers, etc.
I go sea kayaking and we always collect and eat from the sea. At work, we sometimes throw a crab trap out. I take the crabs home alive, in a bucket.
Its only one more step, into a cold water tank.

I can understand if the animal or fish is endangered, but if I wanted to establish a cold water tank, then I would just go get what was available.
I would have a salt water fishing license first mind you.
I do not understand why this would be illegal.
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