Originally Posted by Funky_Fish14
Your not really supposed to 'collect' (read steal) anything from the wild anywhere... Its kind of like poaching... (but just cause you dont kill it, doesnt mean its ok)...
I am not going into the "wild" to collect cold water species and put them into my tank.
But I don't get it. People hunt, fish, collect flowers, etc.
I go sea kayaking and we always collect and eat from the sea. At work, we sometimes throw a crab trap out. I take the crabs home alive, in a bucket.
Its only one more step, into a cold water tank.
I can understand if the animal or fish is endangered, but if I wanted to establish a cold water tank, then I would just go get what was available.
I would have a salt water fishing license first mind you.
I do not understand why this would be illegal.