I installed a 230/3 in my sump with the sump stand kit because I have very little room under my tank. I only have about 18" clearance. I think some other skimmer might remove more skimmate but I like the concept used by Tunze, atleast on this model. I'm sure you've read their website but I'll post it here for everyone else's benefit. The protein from the water in an area inside the skimmer is removed by the bubbles. The protein from the water flowing by defuses into the water inside the skimmer. I like this very much as any organisms under their own powre are not drawn into the skimming area. But you need to provide a low flow sump for the skimmer to work properly.
My tank is still cycling so I don't really have a good idea how it works with regular feedings going on. But, right now I probably remove about 100ml of liquid skimmate every day or two. The other thing you should keep in mind is that since most of the tank water does not go through the skimmer itself, there is very little gas exchange benefit from this model.
Tahir the "advanced" newbie.
If there is such a thing.