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Old 06-18-2009, 07:01 PM
russell russell is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Fort Saskatchewan
Posts: 23
russell is on a distinguished road
Default Shutting down, parting out... Fort Sask

120 gal reef need to get rid of livestock first...

Dual 400 watt SE metal halide 400 watt XM 10k with diy stainless canopy... $150
Coralife 48" 2x65 watt PC fixture...$50
Precision Marine bullet 2 with 3 month old Mak4... $200
2 Maxi jet 1200's with mods $15 a piece
a few other powerheads... $10-$15
Iwaki MD-40RT... $80
Poseidon not sure if it's the PS2,3 or 4... $80
Red sea wavemaker.... $50
DIY plastic sump 24L x 20w x16h with baffles... $30
Icecap 430 ballast... $50
Homemade down draft skimmer (broken) comes with 1 1/2 KBI gate... $40
Tunze cleaning magnet, probably needs new pads... $25
Have lot's more stuff will post as i go...
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