My moving out fire sale !!!
I need this stuff gone ASAP.
Come get it all today/tomorrow (sat/sun) for the LOW LOW price of $500
80 ish pounds of live sand Free with tank.
Koralia 3 powerhead $30
4' 72 Gal bowfront with matching black stand and glass top (not drilled and glass top has a small broken piece) $300
Acrylic 30 Gal sump with small fuge and dosing section (not installed) $200
ETSS Sump Buddy 40 Skimmer w/pump (only broken in, not in system) $200
4' Coralife PC lighting 10000K's and royal actinics with lunar LEDs $100
various equipment, nets, salt, test kits, etc. from $1
10 Gal quarantine tank setup w/filter and heater $50
Last edited by GTP Guy; 06-22-2009 at 10:47 PM.