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Old 06-11-2009, 06:06 PM
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Mrfish55 Mrfish55 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Powell River
Posts: 669
Mrfish55 is on a distinguished road

I will test the parameters this afternoon and post the readings. Equipment as follows
-135gal glass tank dual overflow
-Lighting 2x 72" VHO T-12 Icecap660 10hours on 14 off (bulbs changed annually)
-35 gal sump
-Older Tunze skimmer (planning upgrade)
-Lifeguard 40w UV sterilizer (new bulb every 6 months)
-Approx 100 lbs liverock (10+ years old, good coralline coverage, pest free)
-Substrate approx 100lbs very coarse coral rubble
-Circulation, 800gph return pump and Vortech MP20

Fish load ( All fish 7 years old and very healthy)
-1 Majestic Angel
-1 Threadfin Butterfly
-2 Green Chromis
-1 Ocellaris Clown
-2 Cleaner Shrimp
-2 Yellow tail Damsels

Minor Hair Algae and persistent Cyano problem, suspect problem is Dad overfeeding the tank, I do 30 gal waterchange every 6 weeks, not dosing any additives currently.