Thank you for replying. Here is my list to answer your ?'s.
I do at least twice per week:
KH test by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals
Calcium by same brand as above
Marine pH & Alkalinity by Seachem
High range pH by API
Ammonia by API
Nitrite by API
Nitrate by API
Also use the Mardel saltwater test strips once per day. I do my water changes once per week (I have a 55 gallon tank, and I change 10 gallons every change). With every water change I add 25 drops of Aragamilk for my calcium and buffer. I also add 1/2 capful of Nutrafin pH stabilizer and KH booster. When my pH gets lower I add Seachem Marine buffer to maintain pH to 8.3. I have seven seahorses and I feed them twice a day at about ten mysis shrimp per horse. Maybe I could be over-feeding, cuz sometimes there is shrimp left on the sand, but I really try to keep up on syphoning it out with my turkey baster. My cleanup crew consists of about five good sized hermit crabs, one emerald crab, lots of bristle worms in my rock, four turbo snails-one huge one and three smaller ones- and I also have the gobie, does she count as cleanup? Yes I have a sump and my tank is not drilled. I have the four tray set up and was told to only change one level at a time, once per 4-6 weeks. I'm at about 6 - 8 weeks when I change these. So what say you?
Thanks in advance!!