Rocks at LFS?
Hi all,
I'm new to the forum and kind of new to the hobby as well. I used to have a 20G nano given from a buddy before, which I had to give up during university. Now I'm planning to go back into the hobby (couldn't stop thinking about the corals and everything)...going to set up a 30G nano this time (live in an apartment, can't put in any greater than that size)
but since I'm starting from scratch I'm still looking for a place to get some live rocks...I was going to get it from J&L but they said all their rocks are uncured. but from what I read, it seems like cured rocks are better..
is there anywhere you guys can recommend around this area to get good quality live rocks? want to make sure everything starts as perfectly as possible..
PS: I would love to join the frag buys when time comes~ is anyone welcome to join? Thanks!