slimy algae?
Question, or a couple.....In the last little bit I've been getting alot of slimy snotty looking algae just at the bottom of my tank....There is some long red algae "threads" around it, but for the most part its the clearish brownish slimy stuff....It got wayyy worse after I did a water change..Read all about nutrient export and all that jazz......and here's the details on the tank
Lights: 130W PC 10K and actinic, 12hr cycle
Remora skimmer
HOB fuge w/ sand, rubble and cheato, lighted 24hrs
total tank flow: 74x (~1100 gph between all devices, multiple flow directions)
Medium deep sand bed, 17+lbs live rock
Temp: 79oF
Sal: 1.025-1.026 (depends on the evap)
pH: 8.2
dkH: 7 (haven't gotten this up since the early stages, used to be 10, despite water changes)
Amm: 0.2 (keeps bouncing from 0-0.2...trying a different test kit tonite)
Low bioload, 2 shrimp, 1 bicolor, 2 turbo's, bunch of stoma's, crab....
What going wrong?